Senin, 29 Februari 2016


1. Erfurt

Anyone who goes to Thuringia should visit Erfurt. One special attraction in the Thuringian state capital is the Krämerbrücke, Europe's longest bridge completely covered with dwellings. What else is there to see in Erfurt? Loads! The medieval town center, St Mary's Cathedral and Europe's oldest preserved synagogue, to name but a few.,,18343402_302,00.jpg

2. Hainich National Park
Thanks to its ancient beech forest, Hainich National Park is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The canopy walkway allows visitors to enjoy the otherwise inaccessible parts of the park. It leads visitors through the treetops at a height of 24 meters (78 feet). Some fortunate visitors get to see bats, woodpeckers or other animal species that live in the primeval forest.,,18343470_302,00.jpg

3. Goethe

In this house one of Germany's most famous poets worked on masterpieces like the novel "Elective Affinities" or the drama "Faust". In Weimar you can tour the house where Johann Wolfgang von Goethe lived for 50 years, until his death in 1832. He shared the house with his lover, who later became his wife - Christiane Vulpius - and their son August.,,18343414_302,00.jpg

4. Schiller

You can also tour Friederich Schiller's house in Weimar. The poet and his family lived here for three years. He regularly met with Goethe until he died in 1805, at the early age of just 45. Those eager to learn more about these world-famous authors can read many of their personal letters at the Goethe and Schiller archive in Weimar.

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